Support for Envato Buyers Forums Samsara Google Fonts & Inserting Headers

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    • #5868

      Hi there!

      From the Customize menu and choosing Google fonts for headers & body, is there a way to specify the font weight since many of the Google Fonts come in different weights? I’m having this issue right now and having to manually add CSS to change the font-weight. Also, when I add a normal h1, h2, h3 header, it shows up in the loveloblack font rather than the font I specified in the Customize area. How should I change this?

      Thank you!


    • #5904

      Thanks so much, this is really helpful!

    • #5911

      You’re welcome!

    • #5872


      For “normal h1, h2, h3 header, it shows up in the loveloblack font”, it’s a known small bug, the quick solution is use the following CSS to reset the font family

      h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-family:"New Font Name";}

      I will fix it in the next version.

      For specify the font weight, I think you need to find the CSS selector first with chrome developer tool or firebug, then, add custom CSS like below

      .css_selector {font-weight:normal;}

      For chrome developer useage, please refer to the following article or video


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