Support for Envato Buyers Forums Samsara Align single post blog title left

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    • #20053

      Hi there,

      How do I align the title in a single blog post, so it aligns left with the body text or is centred? At the moment it appears slightly to the left so not in the centre or to the left but somewhere between the two!

      I have the featured image as ‘Make The Feature Image like Fullscreen Cover on The Top of The Page?’ so the title appears in the header.

      Also is it possible to change the colour of the title text?



    • #20056

      Also, is it possible to move the single post title down to above the content (or prevent it displaying in the header) when the header is set to show the featured image?

      Thank you!

    • #20065


      1. Fixed by the following CSS

      .fullscreen_stage .post_title .avatar{display:none;}

      2. Do you want to change all post title color or only one post title?

      3. I made a child theme includes a customized single.php, if you activate the child theme, you will see the title is moved down below the featured picture.


    • #20090

      Thank you.

      I wanted all the blog posts to look the same – it looks much better now the title is below the featured picture. The colour is also fine now it is on a white background. Is there a place where I can make the title a little bigger? Thanks again!

    • #20107

      I changed the post title font size to 34px now by the following custom CSS

      .post h2.post_title, .post h2.post_title a{font-size:34px;}

      You can adjust the value by yourself.


    • #20134

      That’s brilliant, thank you!

    • #20146

      That’s all right 🙂

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