I’ve found this texts in the English (UK) version, but when i search those in the Portuguese (BR) version this 7 texts are not included:
1 – Your account is pending verification. Please click the link in your email to activate your account. No email? Click here to send a new activation code.
2 – Your account with Arquivo 3D needs to be verified before you can access your purchase history. Click here to verify your account.
3 – Link missing? Visit the following URL:
4 – Sorry but you have hit your download limit for this file.
5 – Primary Email Address
6 – You have not made any purchases
7 – When you purchase our theme, the following discounts will save you a lot of money!
I known, it is a EDD problem, not yours, but there is a way to easily include this texts in the .po .mo files? I can give to you the login and password of my WordPress dashboard.
Again, Thanks a lot, You guys are bring a excellent support for me.