Support for Envato Buyers Forums DGWork Cart and Buttons Will not Change Color

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    • #22769


      I cannot seem to find a way to change the color on the cart items in the upper right hand corner of the header and the button in the middle of the Purchase and Pricing section. The middle button remains pink. I cannot find where to change this. Everything else changed to my specified color scheme except for those two items. Please help.

    • #22771

      Also, I want to change font size in menu bar

    • #22788


      You can change the pink color through Appearance > Theme Options > Colors, change highlight color option.
      If it doesn’t work, we will check it and fix it in the next version, and you can change the color and menu font by the following CSS

      /* Change Color */
      .custom_price_table.featured .button, 
      .custom_price_table.featured .edd_download_purchase_form .button,
      #site-icons span.edd-cart-quantity{
          background: YOUR COLOR;
      /* Change Menu Font Size */
      .main-navigation a{
        font-size: 14px;

      Add it to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS


    • #22823

      thank you. I already had that color changed in Theme Options > Color.
      I tried placing the code you gave me in the CSS section in Theme Options but it did not change anything. I ended up adding code to Appearance>Cusotmize> Additonal CSS and that seemed to work.

      Also, for some reason one of the buttons has a smaller font than the others. Not sure How I can bold it. I was able to change size following same method as above but not sure how to make that bold. Anything I tried in customization did not work.

      It’s not too bad just a bit off from the rest…

    • #22851


      You can try the following CSS

      .custom_price_table footer .custom_price_table_button{font-weight: 600;}


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