1. For changing the thumbnail height, edit the page with Elementor > edit the EDD Product widget, you can adjust the thumbnail height there https://prnt.sc/ujo84s
For changing the icon, you can use the js code to replace the plus icon to another icon without changing the template. Add the following JS to Appearance > Theme options > Custom Codes > Custom Javascript:
$('.tvtk-grid-item').each(function() {
$(this).find('.button-area .view i').removeClass('fa-plus');
$(this).find('.button-area .view i').addClass('fa-adjust'); //You can replace fa-adjust to yours from the fontawesome library.
2. It’s hard to change the order based on the current template, you have to copy single-download-standard.php to your child theme folder, and customize it. This issue is out of the scope of our support.