I tried modifying it myself, but can’t seem to get it right.
1. How do I change the color of the Page Title? (http://www.loverslanediy.com/about-us/) I want “About Us” to be white. And also “Leave a comment” to be white.
2. On the same page how to I put the text in a colored box? Same question, but the picture as well so it has a white border.
.blog-article-title a,
.blog-article-info, .blog-article-info a {color:#fff;}
Tell you a useful tip for change CSS. If you use firefox or chrome, you can open developer tool or firebug plugin, then, just move your mouse pointer on the element, then you will get its CSS, just copy and change it. Refer to this article https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/elements-styles