Support for Envato Buyers Forums DGWork Hide top menu

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    • #11400

      There’s a way to hide the top menu from all pages/posts? I want to use the plugin Hero Menu, and i need to hide the default menu from the theme. Thanks

    • #11403


      You can try the following custom CSS

      .single #site-navigation,
      .page #site-navigation{display:none;}

      If you want to remove the default menu from all the pages, you can put the following codes into your functions.php

      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_primary_navigation',20);


    • #11410

      When i put this two codes, just the navigation of the top menu was hiden (like Blog, Videos, Contact, etc) what i want is hide all the top menu bar, like in a Blank Revolution Slider Template, but in all pages of the website… Thanks.

    • #11415

      Got it, you meant hide the top bar, not only top menu, right?

      Two methods to do that.

      1. Use CSS

      Hide the top bar on global site


      Only hide the top bar on pages and blog posts

      .single .site-header,
      .page .site-header{display:none;}

      2. Get rid of the top bar by hooks

      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_before_navigation',0);
      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_custom_logo',10);
      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_primary_navigation',20);
      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_top_buttons',30);
      remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_after_navigation',40);
      remove_action( 'dgwork_after_header','dgwork_page_header',10);


    • #11421

      Thank you so much!

    • #11428

      You’re welcome!

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