Got it, you meant hide the top bar, not only top menu, right?
Two methods to do that.
1. Use CSS
Hide the top bar on global site
Only hide the top bar on pages and blog posts
.single .site-header,
.page .site-header{display:none;}
2. Get rid of the top bar by hooks
remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_before_navigation',0);
remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_custom_logo',10);
remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_primary_navigation',20);
remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_top_buttons',30);
remove_action( 'dgwork_header', 'dgwork_after_navigation',40);
remove_action( 'dgwork_after_header','dgwork_page_header',10);