Support for Envato Buyers Forums DGWork Home Page Design

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    • #11097


      How i remove the main menu from home page?

      How i remove the cart from home page?

      How i change the Account Icon style? Is to small and no style

      How i change the footer copyright text?, In DGWork Options>General>Copyright Text there is no way to write there.

      The Fonts are too smalls with no style, Looks like this theme is a free version and not a paid version

      I took screen shots but this support is very simple does not allows to send screen shots

      Thank you

    • #11100


      How i change “Account” Tittle in page to “USERNAME” or “MEMBERS NAME” in Tittle

      Thank you

    • #11126


      Sorry that some customs issues are not included in the free support except small custom issues. So, here are solutions for the small custom issues that can help you to fix them soon, but for some customs issues, I can only give a general idea that you can follow my instruction to do it by yourself.

      1. Doesn’t support this feature currently. You can use custom CSS to hide the menu for home page.

      .home #primary-menu{display:none;}

      2. Doesn’t support this feature currently. You can use custom CSS to hide the cart icon for home page.

      .home #site-icons a#product-cart{display:none;}

      3. You can copy the following function to the functions.php of your child theme folder:

      function dgwork_top_buttons(){
        global $dgwork_option;
        if ( class_exists( 'Easy_Digital_Downloads' )){
        	if(isset($dgwork_option['top_icons']) && $dgwork_option['top_icons']=='1'):
      	   echo'<div id="site-icons" class="dgw-grid dgw-col3">';
             if(isset($dgwork_option['account_page']) && $dgwork_option['account_page']<>''):
      	   echo'<a href="'.esc_url(home_url('/')).'?page_id='.esc_attr($dgwork_option['account_page']).'"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a>';
             if(isset($dgwork_option['checkout_page']) && $dgwork_option['checkout_page']<>'' && $dgwork_option['float_cart']=='0'):
      	   echo'<a href="'.esc_url(home_url('/')).'?page_id='.esc_attr($dgwork_option['checkout_page']).'" id="product_cart"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i></a>';
             if(isset($dgwork_option['product_search']) && $dgwork_option['product_search']=='1'):
      	   echo'<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="product_search"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></a>';

      Find this code:

      <i class="fa fa-user"></i>

      It’s fontawesome icon, you can replace it to your own icon font. For how to create icon font, you can use to convert svg icon to font. This issue is not included in the support.

      4. Go to DGWork Options > General page, add your own footer text in “Copyright Text” field.

      5. Which part of font is small? I can give a custom CSS to adjust it easily and soon.

      6. Sorry for that, we will find a google attachment extension for our bbpress forum. Now, you can upload the screenshot to dropbox or any other server, then post a image link here.

      7. You have to customize dgwork_page_header() function which is located in inc/functions/template_tags.php, copy the function to the functions.php of your child theme, and do it what you want. Anyway, I will add a new feature to display the memeber name to instead of the Account title in the next version soon.


    • #11129
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #11132


      I checked it, I found some errors which are related SSL configuration, so I installed WordPress Https plugin to convert all resource link from http to https, now, you can find the copyright text field in DGWork options > General page now.

      Also, I added the dgwork_top_button function to the functions.php of your child theme, I tested it, it works, you can try to add something in this function and you will see the changes in top button area, for example, echo ‘test’; in this function.


    • #11137

      Hi John

      Thank you..
      But honestly the SSL have nothing to do here.
      The theme does not declare HTTPS and i am really curious why NOT if this is a commerce theme and by default HTTPS is used. I did my test and theme works fine on a sub-domain with No SSL.

      I am still no able edit many things.. The theme CSS doesn’t work either. Only thing that works on the theme editor is visial. Nothing else.

      Account page is not editable, There is no way to upload user avatar, and I do not sell themes with discount.
      Home Icon and Cart still cannot be editable or hiden with the CSS code you prove.
      Footer cannot be hiden or removed with CSS.

      One last thing I never use more that 5-8 plugins on WordPress is not recommended sites will slow

      Let me know if you have plans to update theme in a short time and fix all mentioned.

      Thank you

    • #11139
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #11142

      Sorry for those issues.Just let you know the reason, anyway, I have approved your request and your support account will be deactivated after Envato confirm your refund request.

      1. The HTTPS link I found in your WP admin is not generated by the theme, it’s an external https URL which is linked to a CDN website, so I just helped you fix it, but the theme is compatible with SSL.

      2. I’m not sure why the theme CSS doesn’t work, maybe because your test website was not hosted on Port 80? It’s a known issue that I have already fixed in the next version, but if you hosted the website in port 80 on your local server or hosting, the CSS should be worked. All the demo page layout design is based on Visual Composer, so the users should import the demo data just as I mentioned on the documentation unless you like to build your custom layout.

      3. Yes, the account page is not editable, because the account modules are generated by Easy Digital Downloads, not theme.

      4. By default, Free version of EDD plugin, doesn’t support avatar upload option, that’s why the theme also don’t include this feature. You know this theme is all based on EDD.

      5. The different users has different custom needs, so it’s impossible to do it for all users, so that’s why I have only provided you the general idea, but if you know HTML/CSS and a little knowledge of WordPress, it’s not hard to make changes.

      Last, whatever separately install 10 plugins or integrate all 10 plugins codes into one theme without install any plugins, turning out the same. It’s depended on the coding quality, but not the number of plugins.


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