Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar I’d like to change text color for sidemenubar

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    • #2074

      Hi I’m Hiroyuki. I like OldCar very much. It looks great.BTW
      I’d like to change text color for sidemenubar. because default color is white and I need to change it black.
      I changed sidemenubar’s backgroud color Red to white or white cannot be seen for the reason.
      but I cannot find the way to do this.
      I think I have to change css files. I try changing it and it does not work completely.

      Could you tell me the place I have to change in css files or the way in which I can change the color.


    • #2080


      Don’t change css files, just put the following CSS into “OldCar options > Custom code > Custom CSS”

      #sidebar h1,
      #sidebar h2,
      #sidebar h3,
      #sidebar h4,
      #sidebar h5,
      #sidebar h6,
      .media .bd h4 a,
      .media .bd h3 a,
      .primary-navigation > ul > li > a,
      .sidebar-widget ul a,
      #sidebar footer,
      .sidebar-widget li a {color:#000;}
      .sidebar-widget #s{border:1px solid #ddd;}

      And add the following javascript code into “OldCar options > Custom code > Custom javascript”

            $('#sidebar .social-icons').addClass('social-icon-inverse');
    • #2085

      Thank you for your help.

      that works completely.

      my problem was solved.

    • #2098

      OK, great!
      Hope you enjoy in OldCar.

    • #3441

      So I did this, (I changed the entire page, including the main background to white), and now.. when I hover over links, they disappear…. How do I change the hover colour? (not in custom styles, that only affects the sidebar..)

    • #3445


      Can you post your website link here? I will give you custom CSS for changing link hover color.
      Or you can try the following CSS

      .primary-navigation > ul > li > a:hover{color:#f00;}
      .sidebar-widget li a:hover {color:#f00;}

      please change the color code to your own color.

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