Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Is version 1.9 the most updated?

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    • #6442

      I’m running into a few oddities that others have mentioned in other posts. Within those threads, code snippets are provided as fixes.
      Here are two such threads:
      From July 2014 – /topic/logo-cropped-on-iphone/
      From September 2014 – /topic/fluid-grid-issues-with-google-chrome/

      Should I be combing this Forum section for other such fixes and (editing and) applying them manually or is there a version of OldCar more updated than 1.9 (dated 2014.04.24 in the Changelogs.txt file)?

    • #6446


      Temporarily I haven’t released the new version which is later than V1.9, so now you should fix those issues manually.
      I will release the new version after I improved some other small issues.


    • #6771

      It’s been a month.
      Any ETA on an update? Even a minor one?

    • #6790

      I’m sorry to say that we are busying to build our self-hosted theme shop recently so that the theme upgrade progress is slowly, but I promise that we will quickly to release the new version within a week.

    • #6808

      I have already submit the new version to Themeforest and it’s waiting for approved. After it’s available to download, you will receive an email notification.

    • #6908

      Excellent! Thanks, @BadJohnny.

      I did not receive an email, but I now note that I had never ticked the “Get notified by email if this item is updated” box on the page.

      I’m downloading version 2.0 now.

    • #6909

      OK, if you still find some issues, please feel free to let me know.

    • #7101

      Just heads up…
      I think this fix was missed in version 2.0:

    • #7112

      Strange, I remember I have included it.
      So sorry about that. I will check it again and include it in the next version.

      Now you can upload this update file manually and don’t worry about update theme in the future.

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