Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Localization issue

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    • #5961


      Recently I bought this theme and I am really excited on developing it for my needs.

      But I have a problem with changing default language to my language.

      I fulfilled all the necessary steps from documentation file about localization.
      But I stopped on number 4:
      4. Go to “Setting > General”, you will find the language options at the bottom, select your language.

      I can’t find this language options. I looked for it in General Setting of theme and wp, but there is nothing like this.

      I have OldCar version: 1.9 and WordPress verion: 3.9.2

      Waiting for response.

    • #5964


      Does the your language file exist in the /wp-content/languages folder? If no, I think you can’t find the language option.
      So you should download your wordpress language file and upload it to /wp-content/languages folder.

      Please note, the wordpress language file is not the theme language file.


    • #5965

      I loaded wordpress in polish language and in /wp-content/languages/ I have 3 files connected with polish language: pl_PL.po,, pl_PL.php

      In wp-config I have (‘WPLANG’, ‘pl_PL’)

      And no dropout language menu at all.

    • #5966

      And you have also already added pl_PL.po and into “/wp-content/themes/OldCar/languages”, but the language option is still not display, right?
      Is it possible to tell me your FTP account and wordpress login details with private reply? I think it’s neccessary to check all your settings.


    • #5969


      I checked the language files via FTP, looks it’s correct, but you forgot to tell me your website link so that I can’t login the backend.

    • #5970
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    • #6004
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    • #6009


      I’m not quite understand which words can’t not translated? Can you provide me those words? Are there from the theme or the third-party plugin? If from plugin, I think you should ask plugin author/support.

      For extra question, it’s the custom issue, I suggest you can try to find the css selector first with chrome developer tool, then, add your own custom CSS to override the original CSS, then you can do anything you want. Just refer to this article:

      For example, add the following CSS into OldCar options > Custom code > CSS code.

      .toggle .toggle_title{background:#fff;color:#000;]
      .tab_box .tab_items li a{background:#ccc;color:#000;}


    • #6018
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    • #6021
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    • #5973
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