Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Logo is not responsive

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    • #8945

      Hello, the logo I’ve loaded is not responsive. This is happening in both the Old Car Light Child theme and the Old Car main theme where or not I have a height declared. I have images loaded for each version in the theme. You can view it here.

    • #8946


      Please try to add the following custom CSS into “OldCar options > Custom code > CSS code” or child theme style.css

      @media (max-width: 1349px){
        body h1.logo, h1.logo a,
        #sidebar .logo a {height: 205px;}
      @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), not all, not all, not all{
        body .responsive-logo {background-size:auto 100%;}

      Your LOGO size is not same as the original LOGO size, so I need to change the size of LOGO container.


    • #8970

      This worked. Thank you.

    • #8980

      It’s my pleasure!

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