Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Logo not respoinsive on iPhone 5s

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    • #3833

      I have not checked this on multiple mobile devices, but the logo that I have installed is not showing correctly on iPhones. I have uploaded a mobile version of the logo and a retina version at the suggest max sizes. Can you please assist on where to correct this issue?

      Please see my site at:

      Thanks in advance!

    • #3839

      Try to add the following additional CSS for the retina device into “OldCar options > Custom code> CSS code”

      @media only screen and (-Webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
      only screen and (-moz-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
      only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
      only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
      .responsive-logo {background-size:140px 40px;}

      If the problem still can’t be fixed, please post your wordpress login information with private reply, I will check the php code.


    • #3842

      That worked perfectly! Thanks a bunch!


    • #3854

      It’s my pleasure!

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