Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Misformatted pages in customized oldcar

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    • #3009

      I’ve made some changes in OldCar to embed it in my website keeping its header and footer. I’ve made changes in the following files: header.php, comments.php, footer.php, index.php and single.php. The problem is that the blog divides itself in pages after 10 posts. The page one looks ok but the page two and others are misformatted. You can see what i’m talking about accessing, and then clicking in page 2. Could you please help me?

      Thank you so much.

    • #3013

      this because a lot of css files & javascript files are not loaded in this page maybe you delete them from the header

    • #3028

      When I go to page 2, and I checked the souce code of the page, I found there are two body tags in the HTML

      <body class="boxed">

      And the second is:

      <body class="home blog paged paged-2">

      I don’t know what you have changed in those files so that is’s hard to know which part is wrong, please check your code carefully.

    • #3050

      Remove the body didn’t solve the problem. But thanks for the info. It was wrong.

      Solved changing the header links to full links (with full url).

      Thanks a lot.

      You can close this!

    • #3060

      That’s great!

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