Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Mobile Menu cutting off

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    • #2693

      On iOS7 and Android, the mobile menu is cutting off due to the number of sub items. Is there a way to make the menu scrollable, or for the sub-pages to only activate when clicked?

      I noticed when active the content is scrollable, but not the menu.


    • #2705

      I see, thanks for your feedback, I will try to fix this issue soon, after I find the solution, I will tell you.
      I will also improve it in the next version.

    • #2714

      Thanks for the reply, and for your willingness to resolve this issue.

      While I have your attention, there are two other issues I’ve been trying to resolve:
      1. When viewing the site on iPad in landscape, the text/images in the content area cut off on the right site.
      2. On the Projects page (, I’ve tried to adjust and customize the thumbnail for “ENDURE” to no avail via crops and different versions. Is there an image spec that these thumbs are best viewed at, or are they cropped in a particular way that I can tweak to ensure that the feature image displays as desired?

      Thanks again,


    • #2718

      For the menu issue, please try to add the following CSS into “OldCar options > Custom codes > CSS code”


      For another issues

      1. Put the following javascript code into “OldCar options > Custom code > javascript code”, after you do that, check again and let me know the result.

       function resetMain(){
         var sidebarWidth=$('#sidebar').width();
         var mainWidth=$(window).width()-sidebarWidth-60;
         if($(window).width()> 1023){

      2. If I understand you correctlly, the picture will be auto cropped by wordpress, if you check theme-init.php file in “includes” folder, you will find the following code?:

      /*Add diffierent size for post thumbnails*/
      if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size')){  
      	add_image_size('image_slider', 940, 624,true);
      	add_image_size('image_carousel', 130, 130,true);
      	add_image_size('fluid_thumbnail', 580, 580,true);

      It means different size of thumbnails, For the big gallery slider size, 940X624 is the best

    • #4319

      Having both of these issues, and neither of the fixes you suggest work. 🙁 Any other suggestions?

    • #4330


      Can you send your site link?

      For this question: “1. When viewing the site on iPad in landscape, the text/images in the content area cut off on the right site.”

      I remember I have already fixed in the new version, if you still found this issue, can I know what’s theme version and browser you are using? It’s only appeared in blog post page?

      2. If you want to change the thumbnail size, you can do that as my old reply, but after you changed, you should regenerate the thumbnail with “regenerate thumbnail” plugin.


    • #4602


      I am having the mobile menu issue as well. There are alot of subpages on my site, so on iPhone and tablets the mobile menu gets cut off and attempts to scroll down move the main content area and not the menu. Tried adding the y-scroll CSS fix you suggested and it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick.

      The site is:

      Thanks for your help!

    • #4610


      Try to download updated files here
      Unzip it and upload content-responsive-header.php to the parent theme (oldcar) folder, and upload oldcar.setup.js to js folder. Override the old files.


    • #4622

      Thanks for the fix BadJohnny, works like a charm!

    • #4627

      That’s great! I will also include this improvement in the next version.

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