Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar No Mobile Menu? / Link wrong font

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    • #3440


      I love the theme but have three small issues bugging me:

      1) So I’m currently building the site in MAMP before it goes live, and when I resize my window to engage the mobile kind of display, there is no black menu in the upper right corner. What could be causing it? I have no mobile menu.

      2) Also, I want to change the body/paragraph font from a sans serif to a serif face. I tried to do this with a Google Web Fonts plugin, and it was successful – but the links didn’t change. So now I have the body font as a serif (Gentium Book Basic) and the links still show up as sans serif (Arial). How can I change the link font?

      3) How do I add a blog post page to the sidebar main menu?

      Thanks, keep up the good work!

    • #3442

      I have one more question!

      Will you be bringing in Bandcamp integration for audio posts in the near future? You can attach Soundcloud links, but not Bandcamp ones.

    • #3446


      Thanks for using OldCar theme.

      1. I guess you haven’t set the sidemenu with custom menu, please go to “Appearance > menus”, create a new custom menu, put the pages/categories to this menu , and select “side menu” checkbox.

      2. You can put the following CSS into OldCar options > Custom styles > CSS code:

      a{font-family: "Your-font-name";}

      3. As the first question, you should set custom menu for sidebar menu that you can manage the menu items(page, categories, external link) easily.

      4. I checked, it’s really a good music site with beautiful player, I think you can get the HTML embed code from the site and paste it into the “SoundCloud embed code” field. Look at this example:


    • #3450

      Thanks for the replies, I have one more question:

      How do you change the body font size? I’ve managed to change it on blog posts by adding “.blog-article-content p {font-size: 1.3em;} ” but I would like it to apply to all pages, posts, and all short codes too.

    • #3454

      I think you can try the following CSS

    • #3463

      One last thing, while I’m here. I’d like to reduce the line-height of the dropcap… because there is a large space underneath the drop cap before the next line.
      So far I have this (because I want to edit the style of it too… but I can’t get the line-height: 0.5em; command to work?

      .dropcap {float:left; margin:-7px 7px 0 0; font:bold 56px Vollkorn, Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif; font-color: #222222;}

    • #3468

      Sorry, I think it’s a customization issue that is not include in the support,
      I just guess that maybe you can try to reduce the margin bottom value, for example change margin:-7px 7px 0 0 to margin:-7px 7px -10px 0;
      It’s only a general idea.

    • #3461

      Thanks 🙂

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