Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Pagination and Search Results

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    • #9616

      Hello John,

      The theme works flawlessly but over the time It requires some modifications.

      1) Pagination: Instead of using a javascript at the homepage for arranging the posts; can we make it with pagination ? Google bot can fetch better and for some reason the javascript loads slow (maybe due to image size or something) and my new comers have to wait at least 5-10 seconds for the homepage to open. It’s like a grid view with pagination.

      Edit: Or a non-blocking JS can also be used just to speed-up the homepage rendering. There a few examples out there.

      2) Search and tag pages displays post with everything. Can we make then display like the first paragraph and a picture ? It creates a very very long page for some tags. I believe it is bad for seo since it creates a duplicate content.


    • #9618


      1. You can go to OldCar Options > General Settings > Enable The Infinit Scroll In Fluid Grid Page, turn off it.

      2. First of all, you should go to OldCar Options > General Settings, check the “The layout of Tag page” and “The layout of Search page”, if you select normal for those options, please edit posts-normal.php, find and change it to



    • #9620

      Hello John,

      The real slow-loading issue was due to “Cloudflare”. So I fixed it so JS opens fast again. Moreover; pagination works as intended. Thank you; It’s been more than 2 years I bought the theme so I forget some options you put there. 🙁

      Moreover, I switched the “tag” layout to fluid and it is better again.

      Thank you very much,

    • #9623

      Great, glad to hear that, thanks!

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