Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar pagination disappeared

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    • #6609


      Quite a strange issue and I’m not really sure what happened. On the single post pages there use to be a next and previous link and now they are not displaying at all. Is this a setting within the theme that I maybe turned off by mistake? I can’t seem to find any such option.


    • #6610

      Ok, I managed to figure out what the problem is. If I save a post as a draft and then later publish it, this post will not show the next and previous links. I am not sure why but I would really like to save posts are drafts because I write all my posts in advanced. Is there a quick fix for this?


    • #6616


      I’m not quite understand your last question, did you mean you want to publish the post directly, but they are always saved as drafts?
      Sounds it’s not a theme problem, because the theme code doesn’t has permission to change the publish method.


    • #6617

      Hi Johnny,

      No, what I am saying is there is an issue with the next and previous links. They do not work as expected at all. For example:

      Sometimes it does not print the next/previous links on the page and almost all the time the next/previous links are not in sequence.


    • #6618

      First of all, so sorry for the delay.

      I’m not sure I understood you correct. Generally, when you open the latest post, then it will only display next link. And when you open the oldest post, it will only display the previous post.

      Or could you let me know the question page link? Maybe after I checked it, I will know what’s your mean. (You told me your link, but I still not found the problem.)

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