For the portfolio page setup, I see this page http://www.bezreyhan.com/portfolio is the blog category, not portfolio page, the correct way is:
1. Create a page and select “Portfolios” template in the right side of the screen when you add/edit the page.
2. Go to “Portfolios > Add New”, add new portfolios and don’t forget to set the featured image for each portfolio post.
Then the portfolio thumbnail will show up on that page.
When you move the mouse over on the portfolio thumbnail, the title and excerpt will show up, I think it’s not neccessary to place them underneath the thumbnail… if you really want to do that , you have to change the php files, but it’s the customization issue that is not included in our support.
For your last question, I feel so strange about it, have you changed the source code or changed the permalink rules in “setting > permalink”? It seems the setup is extreme incorrectly.
Also, if you still can’t setup it, please let me know your wordpress login information with private reply.