Support for Envato Buyers Forums DGWork Problem to Translate

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    • #12349

      I cant translate the theme..
      im create fa_IR.po and for Farsi language and copying in language folder

      but the work is not changed!

      This problem in Product page(sidebar , info item and … )
      in account page (all tabs edit profile and … )
      in home page (product filter free! , All)
      and all site.

      i translate all word in *.PO file..

      and some work is not set to __() or esc_html__() code
      for exampl
      <h3 class=”widget-title”>Item Details</h3> !!!!
      in template-tags.php line 167
      Please help me to enable my translate and fix some work problem..

    • #12352
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #12356

      im 2problem
      1- in shop page product item not translated!
      (Details , Free! ,Buy Now)
      2- in Homepage product gallery not translated!
      (Free!,All (in filter) )
      How to change and translate this words ? all words in Po file transalted but this words not changed

    • #12377

      Can you help me?

    • #12380


      Sorry for the delay.

      There are some same text are included in the ThemeVan Shortcodes plugin, for example, if the product sections on the home page or shop page are added through Visual Composer, so you can find the language file in wp-content/plugins/themevan-shortcodes/languages.

      The easy way to translate and generate the po file is that install Loco translation file, then you can click the Themes > ‘DGWork’ or ‘Plugins’ > ThemeVan Shortcodes, create the language file.

      Every time you translate the texts, please remember sync the language file first.


    • #12384

      Thanks !

    • #12393

      You are welcome!

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