Support for Envato Buyers Forums DGWork Problem with the Randomize Feature for Products

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    • #12416

      I noticed an issue with the randomization feature on the product listings.

      I have a large collection of “products” and display them on our site on a category page. There are over 9+ pages with “products” and when I use the “rando” feature for the product listings, the pages do not account for previously shown products.

      Is there any way to set the “rando” feature to account for previously shown products?

    • #12425


      Could you show me the steps for how to reproduce this issue? I don’t understand what mean about ‘rando’, you can tell me which page I should access to and then what I should do.


    • #12442

      Sure. So in the link below Chaco is displayed on both page 1 and page 3. So each page randomizes the products without accounting for products already shown on previous pages.

    • #12457

      Maybe I understand. “random” is parameter orderby’s value which is provided by WordPress wp_query() function, I checked the official documentation, but there’s no method to do that.

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