Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Shortcode, Caption in Fluid Grid View

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    • #1466


      when I use shortcodes (editor in text view/mode) or use caption for photos, the code is visible in the Fluid grid View. In the other modes are everything ok, but not in the fluid grid show. I had this with ver. 1.2 too. Can you please help me with this.


    • #1467


      Yes, the excerpt of fluid gird page doesn’t support shortcode, so in V1.3, I have add an new feature that you can add your own excerpt for each posts, it can fix that the shortcode will auto display in the excerpt.

      After you reinstalled V1.3, go to edit the post, click the “screen options” at the top right, then, check the “excerpt” checkbox, now you can see the excerpt field under the editor, just add your custom excerpt here.

      V1.3 is not available on the themeforest.


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