Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Slider shortcode: links.

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    • #2959

      Hi, i bought old car, and on my homepage i need a slider of images. The short code on your theme document works perfect for me. This is the code on my page:

      [slide src=”” title=”Alt text”]
      [slide src=”” title=”Alt text”]
      [slide src=”” title=”Alt text”]

      Now it is of utmost important for me that those images loded there on the slider are liked to other pages. What kind of code i have to inster? I tried to put inside but it doesn’t work.
      Can you help me?

    • #2972

      Sorry, I’m not quite understand what you want to do.
      Can you explain more clearly?

    • #2985

      Your slider is perfect, but i want that when i click on the image (or images) the user should be redirect on another page. This code show a serie of images sliding on my homepage. But i need that those images should be clickable…doing it the user could be redirect to a new page. Sorry for my bad english 🙁

    • #2994

      Unfortunately, there’s no link option for the slider in currently, so you can’t make the image clickable.
      Do you want the users click the image and redirect to the single post page?

    • #3002

      yes! I want the users to click the banner and being redirected to a single post page! Exactly

    • #3017

      Please tell me your wordpress login information with private reply, OK? Let’s me see your theme codes.

    • #3019

      Yes! I want the users to click the banner and being redirected to a single post page! Exactly

      How can I do that???

    • #3022
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #3029

      Oh, I understand your question finally after I check your homepage.
      You can add the link to the slider image as below:

      [slide href="link URL" src="image URL" title="Alt text"]

      Look at “href” argument, just change the URL to yours.

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