Support for Envato Buyers Forums OldCar Social media icons not showing up on mobile devices

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    • #5241

      I am using the Oldcar theme. The icons for the social media icons I’ve enabled show up on the full version of the site, but not on the mobile version that I’ve viewed on my phone. As a responsive theme, I thought they’d be on both. Can you help me?

    • #5249

      Yes, for save the limited space and avoid casual click on the social icons, we hide the sidebar on mobile device.
      My suggestion is you can create about page and put the social icons in this page content, if user want to know you and your social network profiles, they can go to about page.

      If you really want to add the social media icons to the mobile version, can you tell me where you want to place those icons?


    • #5254

      Thanks! I’d like the social media icons to be at the bottom of the page in a border that is the same color as the one selected for the sidebar…effectively replicating the look of the social media icons and background that are on the side bar in the desktop version.

    • #5257

      I can only provide you a general solution for you request, because the customization issue is not included in the support.

      1. You need to add the following HTML into footer.php

      <div id="mobile_socials"><?php echo van_social();?></div>

      2. Add the following CSS into custom.css file or “Oldcar options > Custom code > CSS code”

      @media all and (max-width: 640px){
    • #5369

      You suggested adding the social media icons to the About page. Can you provide me with instructions for doing so? Thanks!

    • #5377

      Just put [social_icon inverse=1 facebook=”#” googleplus=”#”] into the About page content, that’s it.
      You can refer to the documentation for the social_icon shortcode usage.

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