Support for Envato Buyers Forums Samsara Standard Blog Summary Page Title Missing

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    • #5925

      It appears that when you set up a page using the Standard Blog template, it reverts back to index.php instead of the blog template. It will only the header image instead of the image and page title, nor the custom page title and taglines. I have seen others with the issue on the forum, wondering if you have a hard-coded fix or is the only work-around setting a main category then linking to that instead of posts page with summary?


    • #5927

      Did you mean you want the blog page like this ?

      or I’m not quite understand your question, you can post your wordpress link and login details with private reply that I can check your settings.

      Just waiting for your informations.


    • #5929

      Yes you are correct. Like your standard blog layout. I can get it to work if I set a MAIN category then have the others as sub-categories under that. But I would think it should work the regular way of selecting the template layout in posts page layout. When you set it that way, it uses the index.php file to pull the loop so it only contains the header image and no title queries.

      There was another post here about the same issue and you mentioned you would see about fixing in the next update. I ran a file comparison between the latest update and *.08 but there have been no changes to the index, page-standard-blog, nor content-pageheader.

      My question was if you had figured a fix or if I just need to use the category setup method…


    • #5935

      I tried to create a new page named blog, and selected standard blog template, set the Custom Page Title, Page Tagline and Page Header Image, then I opened this page, it looks normal includes page title and etc.. Screenshot

      So, I want to check your setting in the backend before tell you the specific reason or solution.

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