Support for Envato Buyers Forums Samsara Translations & NaN in Pie Chart

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    • #4486

      Hi there!

      I have 2 issues with your theme.

      My first issue is that I can’t seem to figure out how to translate it to french. I must be doing something wrong. This is what I’ve done:
      1. I added the line define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_CA’); to my wp-config.php and added to this folder: /wp-content/languages/. My dates now show up in french.
      2. I installed the plugin CodeStyling Localization.
      3. In Tools->Localization, Next to the Samsara Theme, I added the Français/Canada Language.
      4. Then I wanted to translate the “All” tab from the portfolio section of the homepage. In the Textdomain dropdown, I selected van_shortcodes and added my Translation for the string “All”.
      5. I generated the .mo file.
      6. It doesn’t work 🙁
      At the top of the Tools->Localization page, I get the message:
      Warning: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
      It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
      The affected unknown textdomains are: woocommerce, van_shortcodes, van_portfolios, van, tgmpa, nhp-opts, Recent Blog, ForClover, Flickr

      Oh and I’m working on a child theme if that matters…

      My second issue is that when we load the homepage, for a little while, we can see NaN in the middle of the Pie Charts. It seems to be a Javascript problem, something like the variables are declared later or something. None the less, it’s not very graceful. Do you have a fix for that?

      Thanks for your help and have a great day!

    • #4487


      Thank you very much for your feedback, especially issue 1, I will improve it soon and submit the new version to themeforest, I think it will available to download in tomorrow morning, envato will send email to notice you the update version.

      For issue 2 , it’s a visual composer plugin issue, we can only wait for visual composer author to fix that.


    • #4488

      For issue 1, the quick solution is download this changed file
      Unzip it and upload the file to /wp-content/themes/Samsara/functions/plugins/van_portfolios/inc
      Override the old file.


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