For the menu issue, please try to add the following CSS into “OldCar options > Custom codes > CSS code”
For another issues
1. Put the following javascript code into “OldCar options > Custom code > javascript code”, after you do that, check again and let me know the result.
function resetMain(){
var sidebarWidth=$('#sidebar').width();
var mainWidth=$(window).width()-sidebarWidth-60;
if($(window).width()> 1023){
2. If I understand you correctlly, the picture will be auto cropped by wordpress, if you check theme-init.php file in “includes” folder, you will find the following code?:
/*Add diffierent size for post thumbnails*/
if ( function_exists( 'add_image_size')){
add_image_size('image_slider', 940, 624,true);
add_image_size('image_carousel', 130, 130,true);
add_image_size('fluid_thumbnail', 580, 580,true);
It means different size of thumbnails, For the big gallery slider size, 940X624 is the best