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  • in reply to: EDD Wishlists not working #25462

    Thank you.

    Sorry, I don’t know what I need to do to dgwork/edd_templates/shortcode-download.php

    Please can you let me know what to add and where to add it?


    in reply to: Grid display issue #25456


    Thank you. This is almost working perfectly now 🙂

    Now, the blue banner at the top re-sizes when you refresh the page (it starts short and then gets longer),
    The images start as black boxes before they display. I know then need to load in the background but I don’t think that’s why. It doesnt even if you refresh once they have loaded and I have a caching plugin enabled so they should be in cache.

    Also, if I make the screen small (to emulate a mobile) it loads the 3 column grid first before going to the single column


    in reply to: Fatured image size #25454

    Thanks, but I cannot get the image size to work.

    I added the following to functions.php

    if( function_exists( ‘dgwork_thumbnail_size’ ) ) {
    function dgwork_thumbnail_size(){
    if( dgwork_device( ‘phone’ ) ){
    return ‘thumbnail’; // for phone 150 x 150
    }elseif( dgwork_device( ‘tablets’ ) ){
    return ‘medium’; // for tablets 300 x 300
    return ‘medium’; // for desktop 300 x 300

    I then tried to do it this way –

    I registered a new size called “main page grid size” in my functions.php (dimensions are 264 x 176)

    I did this by adding

    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
    add_image_size( ‘main page grid size’, 264, 176 );

    I was able to get it to work but changing .get_the_post_thumbnail(). where the image displays to .get_the_post_thumbnail(”, ‘main page grid size’). This works great but the only issue with this method is that it doesn’t change the image on a mobile device.

    (I have also regenerated my thumbnails to make sure the sizes exist)


    in reply to: Fatured image size #25452

    Thanks, but I cannot get the image size to work.

    I added the following to functions.php

    if( function_exists( ‘dgwork_thumbnail_size’ ) ) {
    function dgwork_thumbnail_size(){
    if( dgwork_device( ‘phone’ ) ){
    return ‘thumbnail’; // for phone 150 x 150
    }elseif( dgwork_device( ‘tablets’ ) ){
    return ‘medium’; // for tablets 300 x 300
    return ‘medium’; // for desktop 300 x 300

    I have registered a new size called “main page grid size” in my functions.php (dimensions are 264 x 176)

    I did this by adding

    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
    add_image_size( ‘main page grid size’, 264, 176 );

    When I look at the source code on the page, it doesn’t choose the right image.

    I was able to get it to work but changing .get_the_post_thumbnail(). where the image displays to .get_the_post_thumbnail(”, ‘main page grid size’). The only issue with this method is that it doesn’t change the image on a mobile device.


    in reply to: Fatured image size #25450

    Thank you. I will let you know if I still have a problem.

    The bottom of my site (the 4 widgets) have changed. The first 2 have changed to Recent Blogs and Instagram widgets.

    Not sure how to get you a screenshot? I’ll try replying to your emails


    in reply to: Login issue #25448

    Sorry, I think this was due to a caching plugin.

    in reply to: Fatured image size #25419

    Can I have an update please?

    Also, the featured image will need to be a different size on the grid for mobiles so how would this setting work?


    in reply to: Grid display issue #25417

    Can I have an update please?

    in reply to: Grid display issue #25385


    I did some testing on this page – (this uses the download shortcode)

    I only have one live product and I have disabled the audio preview (which has removed the image as well for some reason).

    As you can see, the page still loads large and then reduces. As far as I can tell from the source code, it is not loading any mp3’s in the background.

    I have created another test page –
    This one is using the EDD grid instead of the shortcode and doesn’t appear to have the same issue.

    I really need to use the shortcode as all my styling is based on that.

    Feel free to test on this site. It’s a test server so you can create pages etc if you needed to.


    in reply to: Fatured image size #25383

    Also, after updating the Themevan toolkit, the widgets at the bottom of my site changed!

    I can’t be 100% it was the update that caused it but I haven’t made any other changes.


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